Miss Linz The Mystic

Miss Linz The Mystic
Opening hours
Allegan, Michigan 49010
Is paranormal activity effecting you, your family, or your home? Do you have questions about your fate? Or are you just looking for a fun way to entertain party guests?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right spot!
- Travis Sharky··from Google
Miss linz the mystic it's excellent at what she does. Your products are great. Well, made great honest personality.
And fun.
A genuine mystic - Scott Miller·
Word's escape me.
- Julia Watkins··from Google
I finally feel comfortable in my house again. The eeriness is gone, lights are substantially brighter and no longer flicker. Not only did she remove the negative energy, she did the research and figured out the history behind why they were there to begin with. She also said things only my dead husband would know. And they weren’t vague mundane things that could have been said by anyone. It is so great to have someone who is LEGIT practicing this in Allegan (and surrounding areas).